Quiet campground to pull into at the end of our travel day on the Tok Cut Off Route!
If you are coming in to Alaska on the Alaska Highway Tok is the first town.
It is often the last most people see on the way home.
We head to the Canadian Border tomorrow but will travel south to the town of Stewart.
There we will cross back into Alaska to the town of Hyder.
Salmon run from mid July to September and Hyder has a great spot to view bears, from a safe distance,
going for salmon in the river there!
We will also get a chance to see both Bear and Salmon Glacier!!!!!
Stewart is an orderly Canadian town and Hyder is a tiny Alaskan bush town.
Two entirely different towns just at the border.
Still plenty of travel left for us including the Canadian Rockies.
Jasper and Banff are their National Parks and we hope to spend a week there! |