Friday, August 30, 2019

Alaska Trip Recap

297 hours of driving + 11,803 miles over 10 weeks
= Priceless

I have a Ford App on my phone and it notified me of a milestone I reached in my new truck:
"Over the lasts few months, you and your F-150 have traveled about the same distance
as going from the North to the South Pole!"

Hope you've enjoyed our blog posts.

Glacier NP

Bull Moose in Palmer, AK.

BC scenery.

Part of Glacier NP

Lake Kluane in BC.

Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjord NP

Knik Glacier Tour

Bison in TRNO, ND.

Wapta Falls hike in Yoho NP, BC.

Salmon Glacier, Stewart BC.

Glacier NP.