Sunday, August 18, 2019


This motor home tried to turn around on too narrow of a road in TRNP.
They needed to be towed out.

We met folks who:
Had a baseball sized crack in their motor home front window.
Used Gorilla tape until they get home.
Same couple has a spike in the sidewalk of their coach’s tire.
Replacement tire cost:  $500

A construction sign pulled an awning off the side of  another couple’s 5th wheel and
the bolts holding the sign to the pavement punchered their tire.
Same couple made too tight a turn and bent their trailer steps.

A couple had the bottom of their towed car (behind their motor home) ripped off during a section of  road construction.
They continued on without the car and think insurance will total the vehicle.

A couple in a travel trailer had a seam come undone where the front and roofline meet.
They didn’t know of the  problem until it rained.
Gorilla tape saved the day. Insurance adjuster came out to asses the damage for their claim.

I hope this doesn’t jinx me as we are not home yet!